Tuesday, February 3, 2015

This the first in a series of channeled material under the heading of Dialog with Jesus

Dialog with Jesus
First I want to say that I am not here to change your beliefs, systems, or policies. This is your planet and your lives, and it your mission to create your own path. What I am here to do is give you ideas on, perhaps, different ways of doing life.  Thoughts and ideas I present are in alignment with higher consciousness. Take what you like, knowing there is only love being expressed.
Why did I choose George to do this writing? I would say that in his human experience we are in alignment in much is what is being presented. Judge for yourselves if these words are from a teacher who is from non-physical source.  The source of the words is not as important as if they resonate with your inner being. Let the words sit on your heart and feel if there is truth in what is being stated. In your own inner being you know your truth, do these words match your truth.
I bring these words to you at this point in your history because you are going through a transition from a low consciousness to an enlightened state of consciousness. An Enlightened being is more and more aware of living by the inner being that you really are. You can’t call this a second coming because I have never left you or my teaching of you.  This has nothing to do with historical dates, only has to do with the quickening of your vibrational state.  I encourage additional dialog, with this writer or others. I open to all your hearts. Keep asking and you get the answers.
As you will be presented in this material you society is evolving and what is relevant today may not apply in another century. These words are for a moment in your time, keep what applies and be open to new thoughts and ideas from your expanded consciousness.

G:  What do think of religions that use your name?
J:  They all serve a purpose. Religion is a cornerstone of humanities existence.  Without some form of religion to give structure to lives, they would drift through life.  On the other hand much of what is said in my name is a mistranslation and speculation. I spoke in metaphors, much of my words where not to be taken literal.  I abhor the actions of people who use my name to stir hate.  My purpose was not to create a new system but to help show humanity a way to self - glorification.
G: Please expand on that term self- glorification.
J:   It is help you remember who are.  You are not sinful beings who have to find salvation. To sin is to miss the mark, you miss only miss the mark as to your self - glorification. You are gods in your own right. Missing the mark is not accepting your god ship.  As gods you create your worlds. As gods you connect with all other gods.  As gods you transcend your human form and learn to live on both sides of the veil.
J: My name, let clarify the thought. The name they use, Jesus, is only one human expression of my being. As my spirit self I am referred to by other names, both from other incarnations and my spirit home. Jesus is not my favorite name, I prefer the name Adonis.  What is in a name?  Why Adonis, because it gives the energy of youth, beauty, and god ship.  Youth and beauty are not vain when we speak of our
Natural state of being. When you leave your present body and venture to your spiritual, if you choice to appear in a physical form you will be beautiful and youthful. NO human is ugly; you all have beautiful physical form.  If you choice to show an exterior ugly form that are because you allow the low vibrational state to dictate a less desirable physical presentation. 
There is another reason for the name Adonis.  The concept is of a being that transcends life and death. On lives then dies and lives again.  Remember death is just a transition.  You move from one form to another then another then another. You always repeat this cycle.  I am not a static being. I am always changing, growing, moving into and out various forms. Not all of these forms are physical. I change form much like you would change the clothes you wear from one day to the next.  I take on new energies to test, play, and learn. 
I set an example for you. I admonish you to test, play, and learn.  You can’t change bodies, even if some of try to radically modify your bodies. What you can change is your emotions and pattern of life. Don’t get caught up in the notion that you most live your lives in one set pattern.  Experiment with life, change jobs, finds your passions. Move to different locations, learn new traditions, and experience new people.  Change religions and try new customs.  The expression is mix and match. I would say one of faults of your society is you get too conformable, set in your ways. Remember there is no judgment for experimenting.
All that Source (God) is going to ask you is “Did you have fun? Did you seek happiness and your passions? Did you love and show compassion to others?  Where you open to new? 
G: What about starting a new religion or those who start new religions?
J: First off don’t put my name on it. Call it what you want, but don’t use the name Jesus. Other than that have fun. Have a million religions.  There is no one true faith. All belief systems serve a purpose for a period in your evolution. If you are going to start or be a part of a group to play, learn, and grow, then remember to be open to change. Know the group down the road has beliefs no better or worse than your group. Cross pollinate, share ideas and customs. If you feel it is getting to large to serve your needs then start something new. A caution, never give over control to a group, when you feel that the group is starting to control thinking and actions, then move on. 
In reality each person is his or her own religion, because each person has a connection to the divine to guide their lives.  You come together to commune, play, learn, love, and grow. In the end it is you and Source alone.
Religion in the past gave order to societies, but now as consciousness develops the purpose shifts.  That swift is to a sharing of ideas, learning to experience joy, tapping into ones’ happiness, and learning new experiences.  The form is more like a joyful playful family who meets to party, play and learns from each other.  How each form is developed is up to you and the group.  I understand people have tendency to want power, if that is your intent then stay in one of the old systems. These systems evolved into power based structures.  New groups (families) share power. Each person is empowered according to their abilities.  Each person brings to the group their needs and the talents to help others’ needs.
G: Many of my clients ask about life purpose and Identifying there life purpose. What would you say to a person who is seeking to know more about their life purpose?
J: You come into each life time with a general plan or purpose.  You can call it a life script.  Let me explain it this way. You wrote out the outline of your script before you came into this current life time and your have agreements with all the “actors” to play roles in your play. So that you can play the role and fulfill your purpose you bring in certain talents or what could call gifts.  You have developed and carried these tools from life time to life time.  You are now ready to begin your play. As you go through your early years start to awaken those talents and discover how to use those talents in your current society. 
Within your inner being is that purpose which you set up for the life time.  As you explore your talents and gain knowledge about using that talent you start to open to your purpose. Your purpose is not a specific career.  Your purpose is in alignment with your primary gift and your secondary gifts.  Perhaps you came into a life time with the gift of music.  As you develop with age you begin to refine that talent into a use of music.  This talent can then branch off in many different directions.  You can teach, perform, write, or use it to inspire. In this example of music let’s go a step further that your purpose is to use music to inspire others to improve their lives.  You are at a place of discovery of how to use this talent.  Many of you would then voice “How do it tap into my purpose?” You have the components. You know your talents; you know how society uses those talents.  You tie this into your purpose by using your connection to your inner being to reveal your purpose in relationship to your talents and life situation.
A note to understand is that purpose can adjust as you go through your life time.  As you and society evolves, your purpose will change based on these changes.  Your purpose is not fixed, it is malleable.  You rewrite your script as circumstances adjust.
What I would I tell your clients are to discover and develop their talents? With the personal growth they will reveal more about their purpose. I would admonish them to connect with their inner being to isolate what that purpose is in relationship to their current life situation.  Then you tell them to continue to connect to that inner being to adjust that purpose based on current conditions.  You will know when to connect when you begin to feel frustration, boredom, or anxiety about your current state.   Don’t wait when you begin to feel these emotions, connect to your inner being and get direction.
G: Explain this inner being and a connection with it.
J:  You give that part of you many different names. You call it soul, higher self, atman, and other names. It is the part of you that resides for eternity.  The part of you that continues after the physical body falls away.  In your physical form you bring a portion of the eternal self with you, but the greater part of you resides in the non-physical.  I like the illustration of an ice berg. The physical is the tip of the ice berg, the inner (greater) part of you is the ice berg is below the surface.  In your self-glorifation you come to understand that concept and pull from that greater part of your answers and guidance. The word inner refers to the fact this self is just beyond you consciousness.  When you meditate, in one its’ various forms, you connect with this inner being.  Through meditation and various spiritual practices you bring this inner being to the surface.  Dance, sing (chant), practice yoga, pray, be in nature, meditate; all these practices and many more, will bring to the awareness your inner being.  In simple words be in the state of joy and you vibrate with your inner being.
G: I have question that has bothering me for some time.  Is there really destiny?  Are all our lives mapped out?  Using that term script is out life script written out and unchangeable.  Is there free will? Is what we call free will only part of this written script? When we believe that we are changing our future by manifesting a change, is the change already written? As the actor in our play only living by fixed script?
J: Yes and no. Perhaps may be. What do you believe?
G: I believe we can make modifications to our script. The outline is written out and the players in life have agreed to that outline. Many of the details are set but we can modify them.
J: Many believe as you do, but many believe various other versions of how their lives are to be played out.  This is your play, there is not right or wrong. If many believe there is destiny then there is that for them. If you believe that you can modify then you can. The Universe is malleable it adjusts to your beliefs.
You have heard it said, everything is happening in the now. Past, present and future are happening now. There is truth in that statement, but for one slight revision.  As I said this is your play, you change the past, present, and future if that is your desire.  An event happens in the past and it has traumatic effect on your present and future.  You want to change the present, so you go into your subconscious and modify the event or the emotional effect of the event.  The Universe will now realign your present and future.
The mass consciousness has a little different point of view on all this. You as a life form love your history. You love to document, debate, and rehash your history. The more and more you tell the same stories the more and more it gets fixed in you mass consciousness.  I will tell you this, if you as a mass consciousness would look at an event from a different point of view. Put it into your mass consciousness with a different outcome, the Universe would slowly realign your present to match your new history.  Try that with friends or family who share an event.  Make it a conscious choice to see the outcome with a different outcome. Hold that intent for a week and the Universe will realign your present to match your new outcome.
Okay what if someone has died in an accident, you morn their death, can you change the outcome so they are still with you. It was their free will to leave the physical and they are preparing for another reincarnation. So they will not come back as they where, but there life force will come back in another form and not always as a child.
As you play with the Illusion of the past, you change the energy of the present. The players may not look the same but the stage will begin to feel and look different as the Universe begins to change the play based on your rewrite.  I would recommend as a mass consciousness that look at your past and begin to see the present as if you changed the effect of the past.  You are concerned about global warming, as you take action to fix the problem, also start to mediate on the past on how it could have been different and the Universe will bring about the change to the present and future you prefer to see.
New life forms will begin to appear and the effects will begin to repair themselves.  You will begin to see the present as how you envision it.  One catch to all this, you need mass consciousness to do this. This means you need about ten percent of the population. Start aligning about 600 million people and you make the changes quickly.  All humor aside, as raise the mass consciousness even in smaller numbers you can modify the present.

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