Tuesday, May 3, 2016



So you want to be successful? Not writing about just money, but also the feeling that you are making a difference. Then have a great idea that solves a problem. Did you get what I mean, have a great idea that makes life easier for other people. Have an idea that helps others be successful. That is step one, have a great idea. 
Then surround yourself with at least one other person who believes in your idea and partner.
Actually a team of two is much better than three or more. One reason it reduces conflict and helps focus. Silent partners are cool too, as in supportive mate. That is step two. Warning on this step. Stay away from people who are negative about your idea, especially those friends and family members who wish they had an idea for success.
Have a plan, yes, the dreaded business plan. Keep it simple at first. Nothing worse than the 
“paralysis by analysis”.  A mentor at this point might be a good idea. That was step three. Easy so far?
Action time. You got a plan, go for it! This is where trust in the Universe (God) comes into play. You have a great idea, so trust that what you need will come to you when you need it!
Ready for the last step? Have some fun. This should be fun and  a passion of your’s. It is play time, enjoy creating your idea. 

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