Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Life goes full circle

Life goes full circle

It's interesting how life can take a full circle. I started my quest to help people and get a deeper understanding of my spirituality by studying  channeling.
That initial undertaking lead me to explore various other spiritual modalities. I went through a shaman apprenticeship program, then onto being attuned in two different forms of Reiki. My more formal training was as a clinical hypnotherapist and  degrees in metaphysics. The last 10 years I have studied and practiced the use of the law of attraction.
While going through my training and studies I continued to give various types of psychic readings.
Each one of those adventures in spirituality help me define myself.
Back to where it started, on my radio show I've increased my channeling to the point where it's about all I want to do for people.
There is something about stepping into the background and letting the Adonis group speak through me. The energy I receive from them is, to use a word, delightful.
The messages are so clear and full of love. When they're speaking through me, I feel their energy. It's hard to explain in words but the best way I can describe it is as if a beautiful, gentle, wise, and loving personality is using me to spread messages of compassion and love to all that are listening.

I invite  you to experience this for yourself. You can either listen to them during my radio show or contact me for a private session with the Adonis group.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Your vibration

Monday, November 14, 2016

Thoughts about a national religion.

In my youth I attended a very conservative church, they believed in a very literal interpretation of the Bible. If you didn't adhere to their strict interpretation of the Bible, you could taken off the church roster. It went beyond that, other members where not allowed to speak to you or if worked for a member of the church they would find a reason to let you go. A good thing is that they didn't seek political power to push their will on non-believers. 

My fear is that we are headed in that direction  where those with political power may try impose  their very conservative Christian beliefs on non-believers. There are many coming into power who believe that being a Christian should be the state religion, not just a Christian in general  but those who believe in a very conservative interpretation of the Bible. Their belief is that laws of the land should include repressive and archaic  Biblical laws. 

Who should be concerned about this possibility? Liberal Christians  who don’t accept a lateral  interpretation of the Bible. Jews (yes jews) who don’t accept Jesus as their personal savior. Lets quickly go though the rest of the possible list: New Agers, Wiccan's, Pagans, Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims. The list could way beyond that to include: agnostics, atheists, New Thought religions, psychics, and Mediums. That even would  include those who break the moral code of their Bible, watch out Hollywood. 

How far could this go? If you want work for and do work for the Federal government. If you work for a private employer who believes in these laws. In either case you could denied employment. Yes, even If you or your  company  breaks these religious laws, you could  be subject to criminal charges.

You laugh and say this could never happen. Take a look at history. Germany in the 1930s is one  example. You don’t have go that far back, look at early 1950s in this country with the Red scare. Look at current countries where there is conservative state religion. It could happen. 

Know what your Congressperson believes. Beware of any moves that direction. Take action early to cut off the movement.  I lived in that kind of system and never want to see it happen to the country. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Don't worry, be happy

Why struggle? Or in other words no reason to worry.

I received an interesting message from my spirit teachers this morning:
We in the non-physical word believe that you have no reason to worry or struggle. We are here for you, all of us. This could be your ancestors or your spirit guides. 
We love to solve your problems. We get deal of satisfaction from helping you get solutions. 
But you have to do two things. First, ask for our help and turn the problem over to us. 
Next, get out of the way! Stop thinking about the problem. Stop coming up with half-baked ego solutions. Just go have some fun and let us do the work.
You will know it is our solution because it will feel really good. Your bodies light up. A peacefulness will overwhelm you. Your action part will be easy and without struggle.
The inspired song is absolutely true, “ Don't worry be happy”.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This want I am passionate about

And my intention is to fuse these passions into the services I offer to others.
I love to learn and share with others, as a teacher and mentor on various subjects: relationships, live purpose, career or business building, and healing meditations.

My spirituality is important to me. My focus is understanding the nature of the non-physical world and communicating with it for myself and others.   
My life focus is on healing with the energy of love and helping others align with at vibration.
I have a passion for business management, organizing and maintaining businesses with conscious business practices.
I have a deep interest in the environment and the ecological balance of the planet.
I believe in healthy living; diet, exercise, meditation, and other healthy life choices.
Healing mediations: rewiring beliefs, past lives, forward life journeys, energy balancing. 

My Intuitive life coaching is about helping you in all of these areas. I offer guidance as a mentor and spiritual teacher. I use my training, experience, and connection to spirit teachers to assistant you. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Thoughts on words..

Thoughts on Words 

Words are like,
The colors and paint of an artist.
The clay and colors to a sculpture
The ingredients for a chef
The lines and curves to an architect 
Without imagination you have drab, tasteless, and boring
You have uninspiring and lifeless colors, ingredients, and words
The work of an artist is to take all those ingredients: the colors, the foods, the lines, and the words; create something that stirs emotions, brings joy,makes you feel and think 
All the senses are activated so that you have a total experience
I now realize how important it is when presenting words, to use inspired  imagination, so words  are sown together in a way that you feel challenged, inspired, and moved to love

Words send people off to war 
Words persuade someone to bed with you
Words make you laugh
Words make you cry
Words hurt or heal
Choose your words carefully, they create your experience

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Love you

You reach a point in your life, when you realize that you are getting to old to take any of this too seriously. Life is about feeling good and having fun in what ever you are doing. Responsibilities yes, worry no. Put love first and take fear out of life.
Hope you figure this much earlier than I did.. Love you a bunch.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Movie on 8 18 16 at 12 42 PM

The opening to my book on love.

My greatest fear is not fulfilling my life purpose.
My intention each day is to ask God/Source to help me find a way to fulfill my purpose, by inspiring others to live a successful life through unconditional love. I ask Source each day to live from love and not by fear and to help others to live by love and not by fear.
My mission is to; use my channeling gifts and training to inspire people to live with love and joy.   I present the wisdom of the age’s to help you raise your vibration to love, joy, and appreciation from these vibrations all things are possible to manifest. Much of this material is channeled from my spirt guides to give the Source’s thoughts on all the aspects of love.
Heal with love, is the foundation for healing. Another goal in my work is help you know how to love yourself and remove your thought patterns that hold you back from loving yourself. 
Love as the healing energy for: the individual, the family, the community, and the planet.

The goal is raising the vibration of all to the level of love. So that: compassion, respect, kindness, forgiveness, generosity of spirit, humor, trust, humility, appreciation, and empathy  are the prevailing qualities of society. In this process of writing about love I will explore all those various aspects of love in detail.God is love, so raising vibration to match that level on the individual level is necessary to loving oneself.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Creating self love

In helping people with my training and gifts I have been presented with a new theme to use, “How to love yourself”. 
Self love is the key to starting and maintaining the life you want. When we reach a level of self love that matches how God/Source loves us, all good will flow to us.
Self love is also about self appreciation. When you appreciate all the little and big things in your life, and what you  want to manifest who are in the vibration of creation. 
My work in Therapeutic Mediations, Mediumship, Past life work, and soul readings, is about helping you identify and change the causes for a lack of self love. 
Change your thoughts about yourself and you will be in the vibration of creation.

I love this work and would to love share with you how I can help you. Contact me so I can explain more how can assist you with your particular needs.

Women of my youth

 Women of my youth

As I lay in bed this morning I reflected back on my 20s, I know along time ago, and the three women I had deep feelings for at the time. Even though I never married any of the women, I still  have  deep loving feelings for  all three. What I'm left with is an attraction to their beauty,style,and intellect. It is interesting how our minds create a belief that carries with us for the rest of our lives. When I meet women today I have a tendency to judge them based on my history with those three women. When I see an aged version of one of those three women there is an instant attraction and a curiosity. It is interesting how our consciousness and preferences get set in “stone”. A part of me would say move on let the past go, it has no present value and relating to women. But for me, the attraction and feelings are so strong I will stick with what feels good to me.
The lesson I would share with others is, stick to your preferences till they change. The preferences are reflection of not just a mental process but also the calling of your soul.

Monday, August 15, 2016

My journey from fear to love based thought patterns.

The Universe is not punishing you or blessing you. The Universe is responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting. The more joyful you are, the more Well-being flows to you — and you get to choose the details of how it flows
Excerpted from: Phoenix, AZ on February 24, 2001

Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Read this quote from the Abraham material and got thinking about the importance of attitude and thought patterns.
Most of my life I carried around a negative attitude on various subjects. I was prone to be cynical and sarcastic. My thinking was  “put downs” and all that joking around was funny and witty. The exchanging of negative attitudes and self-deprecating thoughts weighted heavily  on my soul and vibration.
These thoughts and attitude created within me belief systems that held me back from creating the life I wanted. These beliefs revolved around  distrust and having a “chip on my shoulder”. I went around believing people didn’t want me around and I was an outcast. 
I had friends, plenty of them, but there was always this feeling just not fitting in. Have to admit my childhood religious background contributed a lot to those feelings. That is another story, I need to let go of. These attitudes also affected my developing relationships with women. All the negative thoughts about myself, caused me to doubt my worthiness to attract the women I desired. I felt like the outsider looking in.
Enough of the past, let me now present how seeking a spiritual path has changed those attitudes. Going from a low vibrational place it took many years to raise my vibration and change my believes. The catalyst in making the changes was becoming a student of the Law of Attraction. 
Early in my spiritual development I was introduced to the Centers for Spirit Living (Church of Religious Science). The motto for them is “change your thoughts, change your life”.
Shortly after that came the movie The Secret which pushed me further down the path of rising my vibration and adjusting my thought patterns. Next came two major steps in my growth. 
First was my introduction to the Abraham material as presented by Esther and Jerry Hicks. I watched the videos, read all the books, and even went to the workshops. Immersing myself in the Abraham material lead to a deep clarity about the Law of Attraction and how to use the principals in creating a better life for myself and others.
The second principle that became clear to me, is that love is the answer. During my meditations and studies have come an understanding of the importance of self love. Unconditional love of oneself aligns us with God/Source which is the seed of love. The closer we align with that vibration of love the more can live our purpose and manifest all we desire. The process of alignment is about changing our thought patterns and attitude from fear to love based. 
I hope my story about change and growth aids  you in your realization that  there is a path to go from negative thought patterns and attitudes to love based ones. Let me leave you with one affirmation that I use daily to keep me focus on living from love based thoughts.
I let go of problems and allow Source to flow all good to me when I use love based thoughts.
I would love to assist you on your path to manifesting the life you want.

Contact me a

How to love yourself!

Therapeutic Mediations 

How to love yourself!

Loving yourself leads to : Success, Happiness, Prosperity, Romance, Love, Joy, Fun!
It is your birthright to be love and have all you desire.

Receiving all you want is about:
Changing your thoughts about yourself, is to change your world. What you think creates your experience.
Go from fear based thinking to love based thinking. 

The problem is we get stuck in negative old patterns of thoughts that don’t allow us to love yourselves completely . If you don’t have all you want, you have limited your capacity to love yourself and create the life you want. 

Time to break the loop of the same fear based thought patterns and allow loving yourself to create a new experience. Time to deeply love yourself and allow loving yourself to change your life.

In therapeutic meditation sessions you are taken to safe meditative state to create a new life experience. We identify the source of your false thought patterns and beliefs.Through a mixture of hypnotherapy, NLP, and Spirit guided life coaching, we rewrite your experiences with new thoughts and believes that are love centered. 

I have been a been a clinical hypnotherapist and intuitive life coach for over 20 years, specializing in regression work and helping people find solutions to problems.

George Gomond C.Ht. M.SC & Shaman, contact me at 818 599-1503 or through
Sessions are in person,  through video chat, or telephone.
I have keep at low price to help as many people as possible.

$60 for a full session or $30 for a half session.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Our Gifts from God..

Thinking about using the gifts we bought into and are developing in this lifetime.
Also reflecting on how we let our egos direct how we use them, instead of letting God/Source to direct our paths to use gifts for there highest purpose. 
I find myself resisting to use my gifts toward certain people and outlets, letting the ego limit my desire to use my gifts in certain psychic applications. 
I stop myself and tell myself, being in the state of allowing is about willingly being directed to serve a higher purpose, even when I don’t always understand the reason. 

If you find yourself questioning how you use your gifts, perhaps it is time to stop and trust that there is purpose beyond your current understanding. Let go and be in the state of allowing. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Appreciation Day

Let’s make this a day of appreciation. Look for things that make you smile and appreciate them. Think about the positive changes you want in the world and appreciate them. Think about the wonderful things that you want in your life and appreciate them. 
The more appreciate; the more beauty, love, and what you want will come into your life.
What you focus on from love becomes your reality. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Just came up this affirmation and want to share. Enjoy...

Daily affirmations
I have a steady stream of money coming to me very day, which exceeds my daily needs, and it allows me to enjoy life and be financially independent.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Thoughts on the Orlando Killings

Thoughts on the Orlando killings
I know all the facts are not in, but what happened in Orlando feels like religious intolerance, hate, other factors gone crazy against the LGBT community.
Hate crimes in the name of our beliefs fuel more intolerance and retribution. You can blame the gun laws; but you most get back to the real culprit, religion and societal beliefs that teach hate for those different from themselves. 
Let’s go beyond religion and dig a little deeper. It is interesting what I have been reading as to the events in  Orlando. People have a wide range of opinions on who or what was at fault. Comments of have been have  absurd as blaming the victims for not caring guns and  it's their responsibility for their own death. Many blame the guns and the nature of the guns he was carrying. Some will blame his religion or lack of religion, or being indoctrinated by Terrorists groups.
What it really comes down to his beliefs. Somewhere in his background he developed a belief that violence solves problems. He developed the belief  that violence is the way to deal with situations. He adopted a belief that gay people are one’s to hate and his role was to solve the gay “problem”.
Where did his beliefs come from? Was it his  parents, good possibility. Was it his religion or teachers of religion, a possibility. Was it his peer group and what he  learned from television and other media, possibility. 
He was an accumulation of all the beliefs, that he read, heard, and watched up to about age 12. All of the things read, heard, and watched after that age congealed those beliefs into action.
The message for us is not about guns and not about religion, but about what do expose our children to from very early age. Are they exposed to violence, anger, fear, and intolerance from all the various sources of information? Or are exposed to love, peace, acceptance, and tolerance. 

We help create the next Gandhi or mass murder. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Every day should be Hump Day..

Every day is Hump day
Happy Hump day! The day to celebrate the of coming of the weekend and some fun. Why wait, seek what feels good now! Every day should be Hump day.
Start thinking in terms of  ever thing I am doing I am making  it play! 
You might say, “You don’t know how stressful my life and job can be”. 
Remember your thoughts create your world. Change your thinking and your world will change. I know it takes some time, but set your resolve to seek only what feels good.  Once your mind is set on feeling good and only on thoughts that feel good, your world will change. It is the law of the Universe. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Dream

Had a strange but interesting dream the other day.I woke up to a full Technicolor dream. I don't always dream in color so this really stood out. The dream was about eight people in London, who I have never met. Each one had a great idea and they received 1 million British pounds for their ideas. Just before I woke I asked how can I receive this 1 million pound gift for a new idea. I received, I believe from Spirit, a writing assignment that will be both controversial and rewarding in many ways. I find it interesting our great messages and inspirations come though our dreams. 
The message,after the dream, was on what subject to write about. 
Much has been written on the subject of God, who is God, what is God, and is there a God?
I have been asked to channel information on those questions and much more our relationships with what we call God. I got a clear message to set the record straight about  God. The world is full of lots of God, so is there an absolute truth about God or do we create Gods to fit our particular needs?  Those questions and much more will be addressed in the material.
If you are interested in reading the material, I will be posting it on my blogs pages. I will let you know when each chapter is complete.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

In all you do, do it with love!

It is all about love..

Love yourself and others at a deep level of Divine love.
Love not not fear.
Love what do or don't do it. Life is play, make it fun and love it.
Love allows preferences; if you can't deeply love it, let it go
Love the ones you are with or give them to one else to love
The only rule on love is stay positive.
Love the adventure of life. Love the risks you take.
Consume your life with: love, joy, adventure, and creativity. 
And never look back and regret you didn't love fully from the soul

Friday, May 27, 2016

Time to blow up your dreams

Time to blow up your dreams, as in blowing up a hot air balloon. Make them so big that they carry you to great heights. Oh yes, drop those sand bags of fear, so you can fly. You got the "right stuff" to fly.

We all have the Divine mandate to fly and live our highest dreams. Take time, sort out your dreams and prepare to fly. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Happiness is....

Happiness is…

Woke up this morning thinking about happiness. Watched a short video on the country Bhutan and their national goal of “gross nation happiness”. 
It got me thinking, what are the feelings of happiness?  Contentment, peace, and well-being came to mind as some of the conditions of happiness.
A few days ago I was discussing happiness with a friend of mine. He asked me if I am happy?
The answer I gave was about 80 percent happy. I ask myself why only 80 percent, what is holding be back from 100 percent or at least 90?
I believe our natural state is being happy, but external forces block our being happy. Like in my case worry and fear of the future pulls back on my happiness. It is difficult to be a peace and contented with worry and fear as a mind set. Been a “worry wort” all my life, perhaps this is a good time to stop those traits. 
My thought process went to how to keep those negative thoughts from taking over?  I find myself falling in to the trap of; if I have this much money, find this new place to live, or when a soulmate comes into my life,then I will be happy. The fear and worry about  those exceptions of being happy, floods my mind with negative thoughts. Being a student of the Law of Attraction I should realize that being in the vibration of happiness is when all those desires will flow to me. I know in my consciousness that fear and worry only attracts more things to fear and worry about. 
The question still is, how to get back to the state of being happy even with unfulfilled desires still out there? 
What came back to me are a few steps in maintaining happiness. First I need to trust in the process of manifesting. The Universe is always binging me what I want if stay in vibrational alignment with the “want”. If I get into a positive vibrational place, being happy, the process works. 
Reflecting back on my life, I was able to see examples of how the process worked. When I believed and had a knowing that something would happen, than the outcome I desired manifested.
Next I realized, I most stay in the now, live in the moment, and seek situations that feel good. This is about seeking positive thoughts and actions, laugh a lot, finding joy in what I do have and surrounding myself with like minded people. 
Worry and fear will continue to creep back in. This is a negative world and daily all of us are inundated with fear thoughts. That is where focus comes into play. Mindfulness is so important in staying in the now and positive thoughts patterns. In this meditative state of mindfulness I able capable of washing away fear with positive thoughts. 
That leads into the next point of appreciation.  It is vital for me to continually  be in a state of appreciation, for both the little things and why I want those future things. I do understand the more I appreciate, the more I will get to appreciate. Using thoughts of appreciation in a state of mindfulness realigns my emotional state to a high vibrational place. 
I know I can replace worry and fear with appreciation, trust, focus, and living in the now. In this rediscovered  state of happiness; I know I will attract all that I want and desire, with keeping a high vibrational state of joy, love, and appreciation.
In this brief blog, I have snatched the surface of being happy. In future writing I desire to explore more about being happy and how to get there. 

I share this with you in hopes that if you face some of the same challenges, my thoughts can assist you in at least some small way.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Keys to living your purpose

Are you living your life purpose that came with your soul to this life time? Do you feel inspired to live that purpose with no reservations?
The questions we face are: if not, why not? Where is the fear? Why do I hold back from living my dreams? How do I get the inspiration and drive to live my purpose? Then once I get on the path of living my purpose how do I maintain that life pattern? 
Perseverance, self love, and persistence will help you to living your purpose. What is most important before you apply the above mentioned attributes is a deep knowing that this is my purpose. When you start from the place of knowing, the work begins to live that purpose. When that knowing drives you past you all the blocks and fears then you are on your way. Stay inspired! Stay driven! Stay with a deep love of your purpose! Stay full of perseverance and persistence! 
You have much to create and offer humanity, go for it! 

If you need any help getting on the path or staying on the path let me know. My purpose is to help you live a life purpose, love, and happiness. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Have more fun!

 Have more fun!
Whoever said that you had to take life seriously? One of my favorite movie quotes comes from Mary Poppins, "A little bit of sugar makes the medicine go down", to paraphrase the quote. When you leave this lifetime what memories do you want to take with you? The ones where you're having fun and the experiences you look back at and laugh at  or those things you worried about what never happened?

You're never going to solve all the worlds problems, really that's the truth. So why not  spread a little  love, laugh at lot more, appreciate the little things, and hang with people who believe "A little bit sugar makes the medicine go down". Get on the bandwagon and spread love,laughter,and feel good thoughts.That is the kind of epidemic I would love to see and perhaps we will see a better world. At least we will go out laughing our butts off.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Life Purpose

 In the last few days, I have focused my radio show on living one's life purpose. While examining this  subject; on how to find your life purpose and get clarity on your life purpose, I have unturned an important fact.
If one is living their life purpose fully and with passion, all that you've ever wanted and tried to manifest will flow to them. Living in the vibration of your life purpose creates a vibrational connection to  the creative vibrations of the universe. In that state of alignment you create the flow of  all good to you. If it is money, relationships, good health, love, or well being you want; living your  your passionate purpose creates the  environment for manifesting those desires.
Thinking about my own life  and what gave me one of my greatest amounts of satisfaction it was the  opportunities to mentor people in the business world. Watching and assisting others take on responsibilities and find their path was an incredible rewarding for me.
At this stage in my life, after all I have learned and the gifts from Spirit I have developed I am more aware of the purpose I am  passionate about.
My focus going forward is to use all my training and spiritual gifts to inspire, coach, mentor, to assist others find and live their passionate life purpose. More than just finding it, there is also removing any blocks that may have kept you from fully achieving that purpose and identifying where you can best use  purpose. Even when you have identified and are living your purpose you get off track and need to be inspired to take your purpose to the next level. 
I am dedicating my gifts as a Channel: clairvoyance, clairaudience, medium, and Claire cognizance to this purpose. I also have the capacity  to read your past lives, which I find very beneficial in identifying and clarifying your life purpose. Also in my tool bag, to assist you in this quest, is my training as a Hypnotherapist and leading channel meditations.

We are all here to live inspired,playful,and happy lives.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Random Thoughts

Isn't it interesting that we spend more time worrying about the things that we don't have then the times we spend appreciating what we do have.
Along this same line of thinking, we focus and worry about the things that we can't change in the world instead of spending time appreciating the beauty in the world.
I have noticed that spiritual people,including myself, have a tendency to show a lack of faith in something greater than ourselves. We talk about our higher selves and our spiritual connections but our daily actions reflect a lack of trust. I am the first to raise my hand in agreement. We have  a tendency to allow ourselves to be ego driven not soul driven.
There is a simple solution. Turn over the wheel of your life to your higher power/your soul or for my Christian friends turn over the wheel to Jesus. Then get in the backseat of your limo of life and have some fun. Make all you do fun and play, while you give your future and dreams to your limo driver.
Smile, laugh,love, and play.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Idea!

The idea!
So where do ideas come from? They come from inspiration. The Universe gives you the ideas, that mystical place we're all great ideas come from. 
How to get inspired? First you need to get quiet, shut down the noise. Turn off the electronics, turn off the noisy friends and family. Go meditate, take a walk in nature. Your job now is to ask  that mystical magical place for a great idea. Be patient it will come.
Now that you have an idea put the plan in motion.
If you need any help with  the idea or your plan let me know. It is my job as an Intuitive Coach to help you connect with answers from the mystical magic Universe. 



So you want to be successful? Not writing about just money, but also the feeling that you are making a difference. Then have a great idea that solves a problem. Did you get what I mean, have a great idea that makes life easier for other people. Have an idea that helps others be successful. That is step one, have a great idea. 
Then surround yourself with at least one other person who believes in your idea and partner.
Actually a team of two is much better than three or more. One reason it reduces conflict and helps focus. Silent partners are cool too, as in supportive mate. That is step two. Warning on this step. Stay away from people who are negative about your idea, especially those friends and family members who wish they had an idea for success.
Have a plan, yes, the dreaded business plan. Keep it simple at first. Nothing worse than the 
“paralysis by analysis”.  A mentor at this point might be a good idea. That was step three. Easy so far?
Action time. You got a plan, go for it! This is where trust in the Universe (God) comes into play. You have a great idea, so trust that what you need will come to you when you need it!
Ready for the last step? Have some fun. This should be fun and  a passion of your’s. It is play time, enjoy creating your idea. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Focusing on life purpose

Recently I've been reading about people who are living past 100 years and their attitudes and lifestyles. What  I get from those studies is their love of who you are, and  the fact they celebrate their uniqueness. This got me thinking about my own life and how to learn from  their examples. I realized it is important is to live using my talents and gifts, plus to be passionate about using those abilities. Like many other people  I spent many years testing the waters, working at and learning various occupations. After all this self-examination and experimentation it has become pretty clear to me what I really do love and where my gifts lie, as I will explain in the next couple  paragraphs it is all about communication.
I have been in the metaphysical spiritual world learning various and practicing many different modalities for over 25 years.  Sifting through all of that I now isolate my passions and where I want to use my training and gifts, but into a very limited range. 
My primary gift is communication,and using the gift through various outlets.  I enjoy using this gift in  teaching, coaching, and inspiring others. I also discovered a passion for the Law of Attraction, which I enjoy teaching and helping people recognize what they are manifesting really will happen and how to speed up the process.
To reach the full potential  of all we want to create and manifest, it most be done from a place of unconditional love/appreciation. When we reach the vibrational equivalent of those two states we align ourselves with the Source of what we want. Part of my mission is help you raise your vibration to that level.
Spirit uses my gift for  channeling as a Medium to get messages from "dead people". I believe these messages  inspire the living to live a richer life. In the same vein, I have been gifted the ability to read people's past lives.
I love my gift as a claircognizance, the ability to read people's souls and essences. I find a great deal of satisfaction helping them discover their purposes, and their emotional strengths and weaknesses. I also receive keen insights on their significant others.
I have also always been interested in why people limit themselves from living a full and joyful lives. Through my study that started with  hypnotherapy I've discovered the keys to why we develop the beliefs that limit us. 
 Using Spirit guided meditation with hypnotherapy techniques I help people discover the beliefs that are holding them back and then assist them in changing  those believes while in a deep meditative state.
I encourage you to exam your lives, see if you are following your purpose and then make the adjustments to live a more passionate life. If can help you with any of my talents I highlighted, please contact me. I would love to explain how could be in service to you.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Experience and share love.

For the most part, we live in a negative and fear-based world. But you have to admit there still are are lots of beautiful light based people and places in this world. 
Our beautiful planet is one reason to be full of joy, love and light energy. When you're feeling down and the negativity seems to be overwhelming there are at least two things you can do to change your vibration.
Step out into nature, appreciate the beauty, feel the unconditional love, and become one with all creation. 
Surround yourself with love based people. Develop and maintain friendships with those who inspire you and call you too your highest vibration. Share with each other what you appreciate and love. Smile, giggle, laugh, and play with each other.
Share your happiness and your light.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Mission

When life passes you a gauntlet, you either take it and run with it or set it down for various reasons. I was passed a gauntlet over ten years ago, but because of  fears, I  would start to run with it then set it down for periods of time.
My call to action was "heal the planet with the power of love". I was one of millions who received this calling. Many have courageously carried out their assignment and began the healing process. I believe that there are many like myself who started off with great intentions but put down the gauntlet. 
The call from my higher self never stops nagging at me to pick it up and run. That inner knowing keeps pushing this assignment in the forefront of my consciousness. 
I have struggled the last few years not knowing my specific purpose. I have grasped at different ways to use my gifts and training to benefit humanity as directed by Source. Each particular avenue  that I explored has  lead to either dead ends or paths too narrow to traverse.
In a moment of quiet reflection and meditation I once again asked what is my purpose at this point in this life. The answer poured back to me "heal the planet with love". I once again stand at the gate ready to carry that gauntlet, willing to be shown how to administer the healing power of love. How this path will unfold is not clear to me at this time. I do know that this work will continue to be the center point of my activities, I do know I will be shown how and to whom this healing will be applied.
To my friends and clients I make an oath to answer your questions; give you guidance, coach you, in  areas of your life that need attention, using love. The healing power of love is capable of addressing your emotional, physical, and spiritual wounds. Through the application of the vibration of love manifesting your hearts desires becomes a guaranteed process.

Allow me the opportunity to help you with your personal healing through the healing power of love as I am directed by Spirit. 
Blogs for the week starting 04/25/2016

Living in the space of love and appreciation!

Love and appreciation are the highest vibrations that will create change within us. When we learn to live by those vibrations and allow them they will change those negative beliefs that limit us. Our soul vibrates with love and appreciation. Live in alignment with your soul and amazing changes will happen in your life. Living in that space, all kinds of healing will take place. There will be physical, emotional, financial, and relationship healing.

The Love/Appreciation vibration

When you are feeling those negative emotions: fear, doubt, or any other low vibration emotions; it time to move your vibrational scale to the love/appreciation end of the scale. 
Time to watch children laugh. Time to watch puppies and kittens. Time for a rant of appreciation. 
Hold the love/appreciation vibration for 60 seconds and you will feel the swift. With practice the swift will come quickly and you will experience amazing life changes.

Here is your mantra for the day:

I am a magnet for all good things. I attract love, prosperity, healing energy, and all I want.
My positive vibration sets up a magnetic field to attract all I love and want in my life. 

I have been a worrier by whole life. It was’t till recently I realized that worrying didn't help resolve any  problems, but only made me feel bad. I also believe many physical problems have been partly a result of worry. 
Through a lot of meditation, contemplation, reading, and paying attention to my thoughts and feelings, I have come to a different way of thinking. My attitude now is that feeling good is the most important thing. When I get in he state of appreciation, love, joy, and being happy; my whole body feels a exalted vibration. This feeling of joy and love, is so much better than anything I was worrying about having. 
Given a choice I would rather have this exalted feeling than all the wants I worried about. More money, a lover, or other things, can only add to my already state of happiness, not be the way to happiness.