Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The second in series in the dialogs with Jesus.

Dialogs with Jesus
Before we move on to another subject I wanted to offer more clarity on the process of using, standards, routine, and being comfortable.  You might think of standard as an odd choice of a word to describe your values, goals, and desires.  One definition of standards is:  those morals, habits, established by authority, custom, or an individual as acceptable. In this process of creating the life you value standards are the, desires, habits, and morals that you are reaching to achieve. During a life span these will swift and adjust many times, as you experience life and reach out for new growth.
Routine is the pattern that is set up to reach these desired results. These are the activities that are established to reach your standard. Much of routine is a thought process. It is the routine of using thoughts that pulls into your life the goals. The process is changing the routine of your thoughts to vibrate with your standards. This is where the “helper” comes to your assistance. In meditation or prayer you ask for guidance to help you reach each desired manifestation. Your “helper” will begin to introduce to you the physical and thought activities to put in a place where establish the desired routine.
Comfortable is your emotional state in this process. As you move from setting standard to creating a routine you seek to stay in an emotional comfortable place. You can descript this place as a state of well-being, love, joyful, and peaceful state.  If you are out of alignment of being comfortable as contemplate your desired standard you feel uncomfortable about that choice then it is time to rework the standard to feel comfortable. The same is true with routine, it most feel comfortable to achieve the desired results.
Perhaps an example would be helpful to understand this process. You family has outgrown your home and you seek a new domicile. You agree as a family on the type of home would feel comfortable for your growth. In a family meditation you present any areas those feelings of discomfort. Through your “helper” you receive guidance on adjustments that are necessary to bring you back to a comfortable state. Remember your family, regardless of how big or small, is an organism that needs to maintain its’ own standards, routine, and comfort.  You can apply this principal to communities, regions, and countries.
Through your family inspiration you arrive at new standard for your home that feels comfortable to the family. Perhaps one of the members has to increase their income or the inspiration is that group needs to take a closer look at family budget.
When you set the standard the next step is the routine. Again through family meditation/prayer you are presented, by your “helper”, the routine to achieve your standard. At his point you most feel comfortable with the presented routine. If one or more of the family is not comfortable then it time to reconnect with the “helper” to gain clarity. Always allow love to be the guiding emotion in this process.  
Guidance from your “helper” will come in many different forms. You may get harmonic thoughts among the group, all having similar thoughts. Synchronicity could start to happen to the group, where you start getting signs that point in a specific direction. Whether the direction comes though one or many in the family; there needs to be a comfortable state for all members, before you can move forward into your new standard.
There are many teachers who present material on the subject of manifesting; my purpose is not to replace their methods. Use this process in conjunction with any other system you find beneficial. My emphasis is that you are not alone in your desire to creative the life you want. As I have stated you have a “helper” to assist you.
Use the process in making choices. Learn to connect with your “helper”, to receive the guidance you need to be in vibrational alignment with your standards and routines.  Play with the process. Seek out others desire to learn and use the process. Meet in groups to practice the meditation portion of process, meditate with people who have a common desire. Ask for a group “helper” to assist you achieve your individual and group standard, plus routines. Groups who meditate together amplify the energy and receive clearer guidance than individuals. Most of all have fun; seek love, and a comfortable state.

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