Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Part two Messages from Source
Presented by spirit guide Sara

Let's step beyond the material things and relationships and look at the other benefits of manifesting. Stress is necessary for you when you need motivation, but can also be destructive to the body,  soul, and spirit. Stress lowers your immune system which opens you up to various ailments. Most of you are aware of this effect, so we don't have to go into details. One key point is that by raising your vibration to match that of Source is needed to bring yourself into a balanced  vibrational state. This protects your heart and other body systems with high vibration. What brings your vibration down to an unhealthy level is negative habits and influences that are part of your day-to-day activities. When we speak of habits we are speaking of habitual habits and your attitude about your habits. A glass or two of wine can be either a positive or negative habit. Why do you drink alcohol, smoke, or take other substances in your body?
This is about attitude. Ask yourself why is it that you use these things to relax; to enjoy fellowship with others or to escape from your problems? If your habits are to escape from your problems you will never escape. All you will do is push your problems down into the subconscious, which in turn amplifies a negative belief that you are holding. When your habits are continuously pushed down your worries and problems will continue. The outcome of suppressing your worries and problems is that they will at some point they will resurface in your mental or physical being. Mental and physical disease being the result of burying your worries, problems, and fears with destructive habits. The medical and holistic practitioners have been telling you this for thousands of years. We have a healthy way for you to reduce your worries and fears and problems, which we will discuss later.
A brief thought on reducing problems and fears. As we stated, your vibration can greatly influence both mental and physical health. Even your negative habits can also be influenced by creating a adjusted high vibrational state. 

You have a difficult day at work so what do you do to relax and recover? Do you let your vibration slide even lower or have a mindset to raise your vibration and begin healing? Do you sit down and watch the evening news with your favorite beverage or do you take a walk in nature? Do you spend time with the friend and complain about the world or  engage in constructive creative hobby? Do you seek out laughter and humor or continue to worry about your problems? By simply choosing to engage in positive uplifting activities you can begin to reduce your fears and anxiety, which in turn will assist in the healing process.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Messages from Source Presented by spirit guide Sara Part 1

Welcome to the flow. As you enter and stay in the flow, the Universe/Source opens up to you and all others who are willing to stay in the flow.
So what is this flow we are talking about? It is a vibrational connection to higher dimensions. That all sounds rather mystical but it is not.

As you know all life vibrates in a frequency range. You humans vibrate in a very measured range. When you move away from the physical realm and into the nonphysical realm your vibrational patterns change, actually to a much higher vibration. The vibration can be like the auditory vibrations you hear, once the frequency reaches a certain octave humans can no longer hear them. When you enter the nonphysical from the physical the pattern  shifts from a physical based  material vibration to a nonphysical vibration.  It is similar to quantum physics where a  proton can appear as both material and energy. 
In our nonphysical state we are a form of energy that is way beyond your light spectrum.

You have a limited ability to alter your vibration, but do we have the ability to use the full range of vibrations, from the dense physical forms to that of source. That source energy is a composite of all vibrations.

Back to the concept of the flow. The vibration we are speaking about is your highest vibrational state and that matches a vibrational condition we set up and arrange so that you can be in vibrational harmony with nonphysical. You are able to create a conscious state where you can revel in our vibration when you reach and stay in this state you are now in the co-creative place with source.

Being In a high vibrational state opens up many doors for your future. This vibrational connection to Source creates state magnetic force field to attract what you want in life.