Monday, June 13, 2016

Thoughts on the Orlando Killings

Thoughts on the Orlando killings
I know all the facts are not in, but what happened in Orlando feels like religious intolerance, hate, other factors gone crazy against the LGBT community.
Hate crimes in the name of our beliefs fuel more intolerance and retribution. You can blame the gun laws; but you most get back to the real culprit, religion and societal beliefs that teach hate for those different from themselves. 
Let’s go beyond religion and dig a little deeper. It is interesting what I have been reading as to the events in  Orlando. People have a wide range of opinions on who or what was at fault. Comments of have been have  absurd as blaming the victims for not caring guns and  it's their responsibility for their own death. Many blame the guns and the nature of the guns he was carrying. Some will blame his religion or lack of religion, or being indoctrinated by Terrorists groups.
What it really comes down to his beliefs. Somewhere in his background he developed a belief that violence solves problems. He developed the belief  that violence is the way to deal with situations. He adopted a belief that gay people are one’s to hate and his role was to solve the gay “problem”.
Where did his beliefs come from? Was it his  parents, good possibility. Was it his religion or teachers of religion, a possibility. Was it his peer group and what he  learned from television and other media, possibility. 
He was an accumulation of all the beliefs, that he read, heard, and watched up to about age 12. All of the things read, heard, and watched after that age congealed those beliefs into action.
The message for us is not about guns and not about religion, but about what do expose our children to from very early age. Are they exposed to violence, anger, fear, and intolerance from all the various sources of information? Or are exposed to love, peace, acceptance, and tolerance. 

We help create the next Gandhi or mass murder. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Every day should be Hump Day..

Every day is Hump day
Happy Hump day! The day to celebrate the of coming of the weekend and some fun. Why wait, seek what feels good now! Every day should be Hump day.
Start thinking in terms of  ever thing I am doing I am making  it play! 
You might say, “You don’t know how stressful my life and job can be”. 
Remember your thoughts create your world. Change your thinking and your world will change. I know it takes some time, but set your resolve to seek only what feels good.  Once your mind is set on feeling good and only on thoughts that feel good, your world will change. It is the law of the Universe. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Dream

Had a strange but interesting dream the other day.I woke up to a full Technicolor dream. I don't always dream in color so this really stood out. The dream was about eight people in London, who I have never met. Each one had a great idea and they received 1 million British pounds for their ideas. Just before I woke I asked how can I receive this 1 million pound gift for a new idea. I received, I believe from Spirit, a writing assignment that will be both controversial and rewarding in many ways. I find it interesting our great messages and inspirations come though our dreams. 
The message,after the dream, was on what subject to write about. 
Much has been written on the subject of God, who is God, what is God, and is there a God?
I have been asked to channel information on those questions and much more our relationships with what we call God. I got a clear message to set the record straight about  God. The world is full of lots of God, so is there an absolute truth about God or do we create Gods to fit our particular needs?  Those questions and much more will be addressed in the material.
If you are interested in reading the material, I will be posting it on my blogs pages. I will let you know when each chapter is complete.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

In all you do, do it with love!

It is all about love..

Love yourself and others at a deep level of Divine love.
Love not not fear.
Love what do or don't do it. Life is play, make it fun and love it.
Love allows preferences; if you can't deeply love it, let it go
Love the ones you are with or give them to one else to love
The only rule on love is stay positive.
Love the adventure of life. Love the risks you take.
Consume your life with: love, joy, adventure, and creativity. 
And never look back and regret you didn't love fully from the soul